When We Meet

Sunday Mornings at 10:00 am
Sunday and Wednesday Evenings @ 6:00 pm*
*Check blog updates for Sunday afternoon times and activities.

Text "JOIN SWAT" to 40650 to receive SWAT Youth updates via text.

A Ministry of Cook's United Methodist Church.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April 2014 - Important Notice

If you are a youth, grades 6-12, and you don't already have a church home we would love for you to come and see what SWAT Youth Ministry is all about! We meet each week on Sunday and Wednesday evenings from 6-8pm. 

We are moving our youth ministry's online presence this month to our church's main website at www.cooksumc.org under the "ministries" tab. Please continue to check there each month for updates and information.

Be the Change! Jordan