When We Meet

Sunday Mornings at 10:00 am
Sunday and Wednesday Evenings @ 6:00 pm*
*Check blog updates for Sunday afternoon times and activities.

Text "JOIN SWAT" to 40650 to receive SWAT Youth updates via text.

A Ministry of Cook's United Methodist Church.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Holiday Season at SWAT

It's hard to believe that it's already December, but we're more excited than ever about the future here at Cook's! As always, this month is full of activities in the life of our church and our youth ministry. Check out the December Newsletter to find out specific information.

One important item to note is the Parent Meeting on December 9th at 4:00pm in the Sanctuary. We'll be discussing several important topics so please be sure to be in attendance!

Also, December 16th is the final day to sign up for Resurrection so don't miss out, sign up today!

Be the Change! Jordan

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Now that November is here, we're beginning to look ahead with excitement and great anticipation about what God will do throughout the remainder of 2012 and even more excited about all that He has in store for 2013. 

As always you can check the calendar in the bar on the left side of this blog for more specifics on youth ministry dates and activities, however you can get more information by checking out the monthly Youth Ministry Newsletter here.

Now that we're in the second grading period of the school year, we would like to draw your attention to the new Tutoring Ministry here at Cook's UMC. This new ministry is currently geared toward middle and high school students and is absolutely FREE. You can contact the church office for more information if interested.

Also this month, sign-ups will be posted for Resurrection 2013. You can learn more about Resurrection by watching the video below. Dates, prices, and other information is listed in our November newsletter linked above. 

Thanks for checking out the youth ministry blog and we hope to see you during one of our regular youth gatherings soon. 

Be the Change! Jordan

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Fall Retreat and More

Once again this year, we were able to have our Fall Retreat at Camp Lookout near Chattanooga. Although some of our plans were altered due to some unexpected rain, we had an amazing time and experienced God in a new and very exciting way! Here's a glimpse of this year's retreat...

Like always, we had lots of fun, but the relationships built during this trip and the spiritual disciplines we learned will last a lifetime. Many thanks to Joel Malin and everyone at Camp Lookout for helping this retreat be the best yet!

Throughout the rest of October we've got plenty to do, including Project Serve on Saturday October 20th, a Halloween party, and of course our regular Sunday and Wednesday gatherings. Get more details by checking out the October Newsletter now!

Be the Change! Jordan          

Sunday, September 2, 2012

September SWAT Updates

Whew! It seems like August flew by with all the events we had going on here at SWAT Youth Ministries. HOWEVER, now that September is here we're shifting our attention to Fall Retreat 2012.

Check out this video and meet Joel Malin, our speaker and worship leader for this year's Fall Retreat.

As Joel said in the video, the sign-up deadline is September 16th so sign-up today and don't miss out!

For more information about things happening here at SWAT Youth Ministries, check out our September Newsletter today! 

As always, keep up with the youth ministry calendar to the left for other important dates and times. 

Be the Change! Jordan

My Chrysalis Experience - by Todd Cox

We all have those weekends that we will never forget. We make great memories, have loads of fun, and never forget what happened. It could have been a weekend we went on a vacation, got a pet, or almost anything else. Well my weekend I’ll never forget was the weekend I went to Chrysalis.

Chrysalis is a spiritual renewal weekend where you get shut off from the world for a weekend and it’s just you, God, and your flightmates. The friendships you make are ones that last the longest and the memories made are ones you’ll never forget. It’s a life changing experience that everyone should have!

Todd Cox
Jr. @ Wilson Central

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

August = Return to Normalcy

With the arrival of August comes the return of school and our more regular schedules. This said, we still have several things going on this month so be sure to check out the August youth newsletter and as always, check out the calendar to the left for other dates and times. 

Here's a glimpse at the Bak2Skool Lock-in and Concert.

Go to www.bak2skool.smartevents.com to register for this lock-in today!

Also, be sure to sign-up this month for the 2012 Fall Retreat! The dates are September 30th- October 3rd and it will be at Camp Lookout near Chattanooga.

Be the Change! Jordan

Keep Calm and Pray On- By Abigail Scott

This time seven years ago, I was an extremely excited young girl ready to start middle school. Part of that excitement was the joy of knowing that I was now officially a part of the Cooks United Methodist youth group. I've gone to countless retreats and mission trips, but it's not about where you go, or even who you go with, but why.

Middle School and High School will bring on some harsh times of stress, drama, and decisions, but I can promise you one thing… you are not alone. These years can also bring great experiences that you will never forget. Whether it's doing crazy dances, roofing a house, or riding roller coasters, it is so much more fun and meaningful when you know who you're doing it for. Your church family are the ones you can go to when you need someone to talk to, or when you need to pray about something. But you just can't do it on your own, or when you want to have fun without being judged.

I would never be where I am today without the people at Cooks. I have watched people come and go, and am sad to say it is now my time to go. It is my time to start a new journey just as you upcoming 6th graders are doing now. My advice to you, no matter what grade you're in, is to just Keep Calm and Pray On.

Abigail Scott
Freshman – UT Chattanooga

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


It's extremely busy as we have now passed the midway point of summer break. In order to help get the word out about everything going on here at SWAT Youth Ministries, we've created a new newsletter which we plan to produce each month, helping to keep families up-to-date.

Check out the newsletter here!

Here's a glimpse of some of the things we have going on the rest of summer break (see the newsletter for more details)...

Also, later this month we'll be welcoming incoming 6th graders into the youth ministry. We'll celebrate this occasion with a special event, so stayed tuned for details! 

We're on twitter- @cooksyouth 
Subscribe to our text messages by texting "JOIN SWAT" to 40650

Be the Change! Jordan

Monday, June 11, 2012

Summer Time

It's here! Summer is finally here which means that our calendar is full of ways to get plugged in. Here's a glimpse of some of the things we have going on this summer...

Wednesday, June 13th  Beginning at 10:00am
Serving the Food to the Hungry

June 21st- July5th
TNT Fireworks Fundraiser in the Mt. Juliet Walmart Parking Lot

July 15th- 21st  Joplin, MO
Youth Summer Mission Trip

PLUS, all those attending the mission trip will receive a t-shirt and admission to Six Flags St. Louis!

Check out the calendar to the left for more details on everything going on at SWAT Youth Ministries!

Be the Change! Jordan

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Congratulations 2012 Graduates!

This spring, Cook's UMC and SWAT Youth Ministries are proud to announce the graduation of:

Many congratulations to each of our graduates!

Be the Change! Jordan

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Coming Soon to SWAT

Summer is almost here, which means things here at SWAT Youth Ministries are about to shift into an even higher gear! Here's a glimpse of some of the things we have coming up in the next few weeks.

May 20th During Both Services

Also, sign-ups are now posted for MISSION 2012:REBUILD JOPLIN.

Be the Change! Jordan

Friday, March 23, 2012

Box-Inn Packing List

Hey Parents,

First let me share with you that the Wilson Post has done a brief story on our Box-Inn... you can read it here

For those participating in tonight's Box-Inn, here is a list of things to pack (and not-pack).
1 Blanket
Clothes for tomorrow
Flash light
Snacks to Share (girls bring snacks, boys bring drinks)

Not to Pack
Cell Phone
This is going to be a great experience! If it looks like it will storm at all during the night, we'll be inside. We'll be leaving for Nashville at 7:45 tomorrow morning and will be returning around 6:30. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call me.

Please make sure you complete all necessary paperwork when dropping your child off this evening! Blessings!

Be the Change,


Jordan Littrell
Director of Youth Ministries
SWAT Youth Ministries - serve//worship//teach
Cook's United Methodist Church
7919 Lebanon Road
Mt. Juliet, TN  37122

Office: 615-449-2573

Thursday, March 15, 2012

30 Hour Famine Parent E-mail

Happy Thursday!

I hope this finds you all having a great week! I just want to provide the parents of those participating in 30 Hour Famine this weekend with some important information, and I will likewise send out specific information regarding our "Box Inn" at some point next week.

This Saturday, our youth who are participating in the Famine will eat lunch at 12:00 and the 30 hours will begin immediately after that meal. We will come together to begin our Famine lock-in at 7:00pm Saturday night, and with them, your youth will need to bring all donations they have collected for the Famine, the 30 Hour Famine permission slip (if it hasn't already been turned in) and a pillow and sleeping bag. The lock-in will end at 6:00pm Sunday evening with a celebration meal which we hope you will all join us for.

During the lock-in, we will be having several experiences for our youth, some fun and some serious. These experiences are aimed at helping our youth understand some of the challenges people face in developing countries. Your signature on your child's permission slip indicates that you give consent for your child to participate in all of these activities. 

Throughout the lock-in, we'll have several times when we'll require your child to drink water and/or juice. If at some point during the lock-in, I or another present adult feel that your child needs something more than a liquid, I'll have some healthy foods on hand to provide as needed. 

The 30 Hour Famine is an activity that hundreds of thousands of youth participate in every year. It requires a high level of commitment from the youth who participate, but it is a highly rewarding experience and allows youth to better understand what life is like for people in less fortunate areas around the world. I cannot express to you my excitement for this coming weekend and I am confident that your teen will come away personally enriched and empowered to help create positive change for people around the world.

If you are available to help (even in shifts) throughout the weekend, please let me know as we are in need of additional chaperons. Many many blessings to you all!

Be the Change,


Jordan Littrell
Director of Youth Ministries
SWAT Youth Ministries - serve//worship//teach
Cook's United Methodist Church
7919 Lebanon Road
Mt. Juliet, TN  37122

Office: 615-449-2573

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Spring Break Happenings!

It's a busy time here at SWAT Youth Ministries so here's a glimpse of some of the things we have coming up in the coming weeks:

March 15th
Eventbrite - Beware of Christians - Screening + Meet & Greet

March 17th-18th
Pledge to Support Us HERE

March 23rd-24th
Learn More HERE

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Feb. 23 Parent E-mail

Hey Parents!

I trust that you're all doing well this afternoon. Firstly, please make sure you save this e-mail address to your contacts list... the staff here recently updated all of our e-mail addresses due to several individuals letting us know that our e-mails were not being received, so hopefully those issues are now behind us.

As you may have heard, we have a very busy spring break ahead of us so I just want to fill you in on some of the details now so you're not out of the loop. Firstly, on Thursday March 15th, we have a Sr. High Only screening of the movie Beware of Christians. I will provide all Sr. High students with tickets to this event which is being held at Hermitage UMC in the Andrew Jackson Blvd campus, however if you or anyone you know would like to come, you can print your own FREE tickets here.  

Next, we're participating in 30 Hour Famine this year. This event requires a high level of commitment from the participants both leading up to the 30 Hour Famine Lock-in by collecting donations and during the event. I will be sending permission forms and fundraising packets home with your youth this coming Wednesday, and our Famine Lock-in will be from 7:00pm Saturday March 17th until 6:30pm Sunday March 18th. You can find out more about what the 30 Hour Famine is here.

Lastly, we're having a weekend focused on homelessness beginning on Friday March 23rd through Saturday March 24th. This will be an opportunity for your teens to experience homelessness as we have a "Box-Inn" on Friday night, sleeping in cardboard boxes on the front lawn of the church, and we will follow that up by going to Nashville on Saturday morning to serve through CSM (Center for Student Missions). Please see the "News Advisory" for more detailed information.

These two overnight events within a week of each other will be very demanding of your youth, both spiritually and physically, but I anticipate these being true growth experiences for the youth (and adults) who participate. Both of these events will allow your teen understand some of the challenges that people face around the world in a very practical way, and it's my prayer that they will come away with a greater appreciation for their blessed lives, but also that they will have greater compassion and desire to serve those who are less fortunate. I hope that you'll encourage your teens to participate, and if you're available for either of those events, we desperately need additional chaperons who are willing to serve. 

Please let me know if you have any questions at all. Many many blessings!

Be the Change,


Jordan Littrell
Youth Ministry Coordinator
SWAT Youth Ministries - serve//worship//teach
Cook's United Methodist Church
7919 Lebanon Road
Mt. Juliet, TN  37122

Office: 615-449-2573

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Kerlande Update

As you all know, we've been sponsoring a child in Haiti for nearly a year now. Kerlande is 6 years old and is one of seven children in her family, with one brother and five sisters. She is in the 2nd grade, walking 30 minutes to and from school each day. She loves to sing and color and her favorite toy is a doll. 
As her only sponsors, the $35 she receives from us per month does not cover much, however it has allowed her to get a medical check-up and does provide some food and clothing for her on a daily basis.

Please remember that Kerlande and other children like her need our help. Please be in prayer for ways that God can use YOU to impact her life and the lives of so many other needy children. 

Be the Change! Jordan

Thursday, January 19, 2012

What's New in 2012

2011 was a great year at SWAT Youth Ministries, but 2012 promises to be even better. Already this year we've enjoyed a new adventure at Resurrection in Gatlinburg, TN, but that's just the beginning. This year we're going to strongly pursue our purpose by connecting youth to Christ through worship, service, and discipleship opportunities.

Here's a glimpse of what we have planned...

Movie Screening w/ the Cast:
Beware of Christians - March 15th
Register for Beware of Christians - Screening + Meet & Greet in Hermitage, TN  on Eventbrite

Box-Inn to Raise Homelessness Awareness

That is just a quick run-down of a few of the things we have planned this year. More details will come later, but for now, Be the Change!